Hygieia's Bowl
Hygieia's Bowl
Breaking Down Bias with Dr. Ben Aronson
After a bit of a break, we’re back! And we sat down with one of our professors to explain and break down implicit bias. If you have any curiosity about bias, micro-aggressions, ways to improve your awareness of social situations, or just want to hear Katie tell a not so fun story about a childhood dentist, then this episode is for you!
Dr. Ben Aronson, PharmD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Social and Administrative Pharmacy
Email: b-aronson.1@onu.edu
Twitter: @BenDAronson
Harvard Implicit Association Test: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html
Email: hygieiasbowl@gmail.com
Twitter: @Hygieiasbowl
Instagram: @Hygieiasbowl
Cover Art: https://www.thricetothine.com
Instagram: @Thice_To_Thine
Disclaimer: Nothing in this podcast should be taken as medical advice. We are second year students studying to be pharmacists. This is purely for reflection, exploration, and further learning.